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The Court of Justice Considers the Commission’s US Safe Harbour Decision Invalid


Keywords: protection of personal data – Directive 95/46/EC – Safe Harbour Decision – Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union – national supervisory authority.

The Data Protection Directive (Directive 95/46/EC)[1] provides that the transfer of personal data to a third country may...

Déclaration consignée dans une Note verbale de la Représentation Permanente de la France, datée du 24 novembre 2015, enregistrée au Secrétariat Général du Conseil de l’Europe


Keywords: ECHR – Art. 15 – fight against terrorism – derogation from the Convention – public safety.

Le sceau macabre du terrorisme marque l’histoire de la République française. Régulièrement confrontés à cette violence aveugle, ses gouvernements successifs ont nécessairement bâti un dispositif constitutionnel...

The Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami II Case and the Protection of Indigenous Peoples’ Rights: A Missed Opportunity?


Abstract: On 3 September 2015 the EU Court of Justice dismissed the appeal against the judgment of 25 April 2013, case T-526/10, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami et al. II, in which the General Court had refused to declare the invalidity of the basic Regulation (EC) No 1007/2009 on trade in seal products pursuant to Art. 277 TFUE. Among the issues...

La prima pronuncia del Tribunale sull’iniziativa dei cittadini europei


Keywords: democrazia partecipativa – Unione europea – cittadinanza europea – iniziativa dei cittadini europei – Regolamento (UE) n. 211/2011.

Il Tribunale dell’Unione europea (Tribunale) si è pronunciato sul diniego di registrazione dell’iniziativa dei cittadini europei (ICE) “Un milione di firme per un’Europa...
