- 521 lecturas
European Papers is pleased to announce that the volume 3 - 2020 Discourses on Methods in International Law - An Anthology, published...
European Papers is pleased to announce that the volume 3 - 2020 Discourses on Methods in International Law - An Anthology, published...
Abstract: On 12 February 2020, the European Parliament gave its green light for a free trade agreement between the EU and Vietnam. After its conclusion by the Council and ratification by the Vietnamese General Assembly, it is likely to enter into force in early Summer 2020. During the long negotiation period, the project attracted criticism and...
Abstract: This Insight concerns two judgments of the German Federal Constitutional Court from 6 November 2019, Right to be Forgotten I and II. The judgments present an overhaul of the Court’s own positioning within the system of EU multilevel fundamental rights adjudication and bring substantial novelties to the EU law...
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Trade with occupied territories, a delicate matter. – III. Analysis of the Psagot judgment in light of Brita & co. – IV. Conclusions.
Abstract: This Insight is dedicated to a...
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. The CJEU recourse to international law in decisions on disputed territories. – III. Court’s analysis in Psagot: mandatory indication of the country of origin or the place of provenance of foodstuffs. – III.1. "Country of origin” v. “place of provenance”. – III.2. Misleading consumers regarding the...
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. International law and the interpretation of EU consumer law. – III. Contextualising Psagot in relation to other case-law involving occupied territories. – IV. The duty of non-recognition: the elephant in the room? – V. Concluding remarks.
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Agencification and the issue of delegation. – II.1. Agencies as delegated entities: overview of the delegated functions. – II.2. Fundamentals of the delegation of powers: Meroni, Romano, and the principle of the institutional balance. – III. The process of agencification and the practice of...
Table of Contents: I. Introduction – II. Defending the budget or the rule of law? – III. Why using spending conditionality? – IV. Scheme of the proposal. – V. Addressing the legal shortcomings of the proposal. – V.1. Is the proposal compatible with the principle of conferral? – V.2 The Commission’s excessive discretionary power: a challenge to the...
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. The selective nature of Union Citizenship. – III. The right to live in another Member State. – IV. The right to equal treatment. – V. The family rights of mobile citizens. – VI. Adjudication rights. – VII. Separate, privileged, threatening. – VIII. The logic of Union Citizenship. – IX. Conclusion....
After 47 years of membership, the United Kingdom has left the European Union at the end of January 2020. Boris Johnson, the UK’s Prime Minister and prominent, if not accidental, face of the Vote Leave camp was at freedom to strike a gong and tick a box on his “to do” list. According to Downing Street 10, Brexit was done and dusted, exactly as promised during the election...
Cuadernos Europeos se complace en anunciar que su número 3 del Volumen 4, 2019 está disponible en linea....
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. The duty of non-recognition: the Commission’s Interpretative Notice versus the Court’s judgment. – III. Consumer law and the duty of non-recognition: a poor fit. – IV. Importation of settlement products as implicit recognition. – V. Concluding observations.