- 595 lecturas
- e-Journal
How Can States Possess History via Memorials?
e-Journal- 848 lecturas
Abstract: The story recounted in Budapest in the Shadow of Dictatorships (K. Ungváry, G. Tabajdi, Budapest a Diktatúrák Árnyékában: Titkos Helyszínek, Szibolikus Terek és Emlékhelyek – Budapest in the Shadow of Dictatorship: Secret Places, Symbolic Spaces and Places of Memory, Budapest: Jaffa, 2013) points out how...
Mind the Fog, Stand Clear of the Cliff! From the Political Declaration to the Post-Brexit EU-UK Legal Framework – Part I
e-Journal- 871 lecturas
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Genesis of the Political Declaration. – III. Transitional period and post-Brexit negotiations. – III.1. The transitional period: raison d'être and the basic parameters. – III.2. Political Declaration and negotiations of the future EU-UK framework. – III.3. Post-Brexit negotiations. IV. Post...
Neither Representation nor Values? Or, “Europe’s Moment” – Part II
e-Journal- 585 lecturas
Part I of this Editorial dealt with the interrelation between representation and taxation reflected in the measures adopted or envisaged by the EU institutions to face the COVID-19 pandemic. It argued that a more courageous approach in each phase of this virtuous circle could have significantly enhanced the legitimacy of the Union as an entity expressing the...
Ne bis in idem in European Law: A Difficult Exercise in Constitutional Pluralism
e-Journal- 688 lecturas
Table of Contents: I. A principle of European law. – II. Building coherence across European legal systems. – II.1. The challenging construction of compatible European standards. – II.2. The problem of the idem: what is criminal? – III. The attempted compromise. – IV. The revived schism. – V. Conclusion.
Towards a European Right to Claim Innocence?
e-Journal- 811 lecturas
Table of Contents: I. EU law and revision. – II. The nature of revision and (Western) European grounds. – II.1. The nature of revision: striking a balance between legal certainty and justice. – II.2. Different approaches on the grounds for revision in (Western) Europe. – III. Harmonisation of criminal revision procedure law. – III.1. Competence for...
Why Is a Redefinition of the Autonomous Concept of an 'Issuing Judicial Authority' in European Arrest Warrant Proceedings Needed?
e-Journal- 841 lecturas
Table of Contents: I. The importance of defining the concept of an “issuing judicial authority". – II.The unclear purpose of modifying the definition of an “issuing judicial authority” in the second draft Framework Decision on the EAW – III. The broad concept of an “issuing judicial authority” in the case law of the Court of Justice. – IV. The...
From the Ground up: The Use of Minimum Rules in EU Procedural Criminal Law and the Question of Member States’ Discretion
e-Journal- 817 lecturas
Table of Contents: I. A brief journey to the world of minimum rules. – I.1. The origins of minimum rules. – I.2. The current legal framework. – II. Orchestrating the harmonisation of procedural criminal norms in the EU. – III. Minimum rules and the question of national discretion. – IV. Raising barriers to national discretion. – V. Conclusion....
Confiance mutuelle, reconnaissance mutuelle et crise de valeurs: la difficile équation entre justice pénale européenne et diversité nationale
e-Journal- 855 lecturas
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. La confiance mutuelle face aux violations des valeurs européennes. – II.1. La mise en place de la confiance mutuelle dans la coopération judiciaire pénale comme base constitutionnelle de la reconnaissance mutuelle. – II.2. L’exception d’ordre public à la reconnaissance mutuelle: entre ordre public national...
La Cour de justice de l’Union européenne et l’exigence d’indépendance de la justice
e-Journal- 1074 lecturas
Table of Contents: I. La question de l’indépendance des juges et des procureurs. – II. L’indépendance comme exigence primordiale pour la coopération judiciaire pénale. – II.1. Une garantie essentielle pour la protection des droits fondamentaux. – II.2. Un gage de confiance mutuelle entre autorités judiciaires. – III. L’indépendance comme exigence...
Towards European Criminal Procedural Law: An Introduction
e-Journal- 947 lecturas
Abstract: As European Union competences gradually increase, criminal law is one of the areas of EU law on which most attention is focused. At the heart of this field, criminal procedural law is made particularly interesting by its position at the intersection of two sectors that were traditionally excluded from the European Union’...
Epilogue: Mnemonic Constitutionalism in Central and Eastern Europe
e-Journal- 953 lecturas
Table of Contents: I. Introduction: the Special Section and the MELA Project. – II. Mnemonic constitutionalism and a wider challenge of mnemocracy. – III. Mnemonic constitutionalism in Hungary. – IV. Mnemonic constitutionalism in Poland. – V. Conclusions.
Abstract: This Article summarizes...
Misjudging the History at the ICTY: Transitional and Post-Transitional Narratives About Genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina
e-Journal- 915 lecturas
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – I.1. Theoretical framing of transitional, post-transitional justice and strategic narratives. – II. Transitional narrative of genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina. – II.1. Genocide charges for facts occurring in 1992. – II.2. Bosnian Muslims and Bosnian Croats: two protected groups targeted by the Serb forces in...
Waking up Demons: Bad Legislation for an Even Worse Case
e-Journal- 851 lecturas
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. The legislative initiatives of 2006. – III. The 2018 amendments to the Act on the Institute of National Remembrance. – IV. Submitting the 2018 Act to the Constitutional Tribunal. – V. The amendments in practice. – VI. Amending the amendments. – VII. Judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal. – VIII....
Schengen and Free Movement Law During the First Phase of the Covid-19 Pandemic: Of Symbolism, Law and Politics
e-Journal- 1393 lecturas
Table of Contents: I. Introduction: border closures as a source of symbolic capital. – II. Reintroduction and termination of internal border controls. – II.1. Legality of the initial suspension of border-free travel. – II.2. Alternatives to systematic internal border controls. – II.3. Return to normality: intergovernmental cooperation. – II.4....
European Papers - A Journal on Law and Integration, Vol. 5, 2020, No 3
News- 534 lecturas
Cuadernos Europeos se complace en anunciar que su número 3 del Volumen 5, 2020 está disponible en linea....
European Forum Call for Contributions: Special Focus on 'The EU and Climate Change'
News- 535 lecturas
Climate change is undoubtedly one of the most, if not the most, significant challenges of the 21st century. The European Union and its Member States are beginning to develop various actions in this field, which we propose to analyze collectively in a Special Focus on "The European Union and climate change". From...