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Ukraine Conflict’s Impact on European Defence and Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO)


Abstract: The history of a unified European defence has persistently shaped the European Union's foreign policy, evolving over time. The EU has worked on a robust and coherent Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), particularly boosted by the European Union Global Strategy (EUGS) in 2016, which was issued after external shocks threatened Europe...

Let’s Call It what It Is: Hybrid Threats and Instrumentalisation as the Evolution of Securitisation in Migration Management


Abstract: This Insight examines the discourse surrounding the instrumentalisation of migration and its impact on monitoring the EU’s external borders. It analyses the regulatory response, focusing on the Instrumentalisation Regulation, to determine if an exceptional emergency response is justified. The article explores recent arguments...

A Country, but not a State? The Apparent Paradox of International Statehood in Case C-632/20 P, Spain v Commission (Kosovo)


Abstract: In the case of Spain v Commission the General Court and the Court of Justice of the European Union had to determine whether Kosovo fell into the scope of the definition “third countries” for the purposes of art. 35 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1971 (the “BEREC Regulation”). Despite offering differing viewpoints, the two courts arrived...

Fostering ‘European Technological Sovereignty’ Through the CSDP: Conceptual and Legal Challenges. First Reflections Around the 2022 Strategic Compass


Abstract: The expression “European Technological Sovereignty” (ETS) has gained momentum in EU discourses. However, it is not defined in EU policy documents and legal acts. Although ETS is mainly connected with the functioning of the internal market, this idea is employed in an array of spheres where the EU enjoys different types of competences. This...

Setting Norms and Promoting a Rules-based International Legal Order: Enhancing Strategic Autonomy Through the Autonomy of the EU Order


Abstract: This Insight analyses whether and to what extent the legal implication of the EU operating as an autonomous legal order can contribute to also ensuring its strategic autonomy. The way the European Court of Justice has interpreted the autonomy principle and preserves the autonomy of the EU legal order enhances the strategic...

Reinforcing Europe's Technological Sovereignty Through Trade Measures: The EU and Member States' Shared Sovereignty


Abstract: This Insight focuses on the EU and Member States’ initiatives to reinforce Europe’s technological sovereignty (i.e. technological leadership and independence from others (especially China)) as far as semiconductors are concerned. It explores whether it is necessary to change the current allocation of powers...

Strategic Autonomy: A New Identity for the EU as a Global Actor


Abstract: Over the last decade, strategic autonomy has become a key tool for structuring the EU’s external action. This Insight examines the evolution of the concept in EU discourse and practice, explores its consequences on the emergence of the notion of "European sovereignty", and analyses how strategic autonomy is used to streamline both...

Special Focus on EU Strategic Autonomy and Technological Sovereignty: An Introduction


Abstract: This Special Focus aims at reflecting on the concepts of European technological sovereignty (ETS) and European strategic autonomy (ESA). Taking a legal perspective, it gathers the Insights of a group of scholars on highly debated issues such as the EU’s strategic autonomy, technical and digital sovereignty....



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