- 919 lectures
- e-Journal
Reasoning, Interpretation, Authority, Pluralism, and the Weiss/PSPP Saga
e-Journal- 1183 lectures
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. National courts interpret EU law. – III. German Constitutional Court interprets EU law. – III.1. Surrendering. – III.2. Forgetting. – III.3. Rejecting. – IV. Interpretation, contestation, pluralism. – IV.1. I hear, but I cannot understand. – IV.2. That’s just the way it is. – IV.3. Enter interpretive...
Creating European Public Spheres: Legitimising EU Law Through a Reconfiguration of European Political Parties
e-Journal- 1133 lectures
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. The importance of the public sphere for the democratic legitimacy of law. – III. Conceptualising European public spheres. – III.1. Barriers to European public spheres. – III.2. Adaptations at the EU level. – IV. Status quo of European public spheres. – IV.1. Institutions of the EU’s sphere of will...
In Limbo: Divergent Conceptualisations of Ill-treatment by European Courts and the Creation of Non-removable Migrants
e-Journal- 1220 lectures
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Art. 3 ECHR as an obstacle to deportation. – II.1. Soering and beyond: absolute protection under the ECHR. – II.2. From inflicted to situational risks: cases of illness and non-refoulement. – II.3. What next? Non-refoulement and non-removability. – III. The scope of subsidiary...
The Misleading Consequences of Comparing Algorithmic and Tacit Collusion: Tackling Algorithmic Concerted Practices Under Art. 101 TFEU
e-Journal- 1591 lectures
Table of Contents: I. Preliminary remarks. – II. The increasing attractiveness of cartels in the age of big data analytics. – III. Collusion between rational algorithms: the relation between market transparency and artificial intelligence in a world of big data. – IV. Existing vs created market conditions: tacit collusion or algorithmic...
Sovereign Within the Union? The Polish Constitutional Tribunal and the Struggle for European Values
e-Journal- 910 lectures
On 6 October 2021, the Polish Constitutional Tribunal (CT) delivered its much-awaited ruling in case K 3/21. The Tribunal declared the unconstitutionality of arts 1, 2 and 19 TEU inasmuch as they require that national judges discard the Polish legislation on the organisation of the judiciary; in particular, those provisions which, in the view of the CJEU, place the Polish...
European Papers - A Journal on Law and Integration, Vol. 6, 2021, No 2
News- 390 lectures
Carnets européens a le plaisir d’annoncer que le numéro 2 du volume 6, 2021 est maintenant disponible en ligne....