- 778 lectures
- e-Journal
Europe and “Crisis”: Part I – Introduction
e-Journal- 972 lectures
Abstract: The Articles that form part of this Special Section propose four readings of "crisis" across various problem areas in European Union law and governance (financial and debt, migration, nationalism and populism) towards possible ways of crisis resolution. As guest editor of this Special Section (in two parts), I read the...
Europa: de Habermas a Kant pasando por el populismo
e-Journal- 971 lectures
Table of Contents: I. La previsión de Habermas. – II. La estabilidad del mundo de la vida como condición. – III. Foucault y el neoliberalismo como solución. – IV. La previsión kantiana. – V. La imposibilidad de un escenario schmittiano.
Abstract: In the framework of his theory of social evolution,...
The Past of an Illusion? Pluralistic Theories of European Law in Times of “Crises”
e-Journal- 1040 lectures
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Pluralistic constitutional pluralism? Disaggregating constitutional pluralism. – II.1. Strategic pluralism. – II.2. Pluralistic federalism. – II.3. Judicial pluralism. – II.4. Pluralistic pluralism or pluralistic federalism? – III. The empirical shock: the second and the third European transformations. – III...
Social Integration in EU Law: Content, Limits and Functions of an Elusive Notion – Introduction
e-Journal- 958 lectures
Abstract: This Introduction guides the reader through the special section "Social Integration in EU Law: Contents, Limits and Functions of an Elusive Notion". The Authors underline the multi-faceted essence of this concept, which has both an integrative potential and a defensive function. Social integration is closely connected to the...
Social Integration: The Different Paradigms for EU Citizens and Third Country Nationals
e-Journal- 953 lectures
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Acts relating to immigration policy. – II.1. Directive 2003/109 on long-term residents. – II.2. Directive 2003/86 on family reunification. – III. Acts relating to asylum policy. – III.1. The Dublin Regulation. – III.2. The Qualifications Directive. – IV. Acts relating to free movement of persons. – IV.1....
Aim and Duty, Sword and Shield: Analysing the Cause and Effects of the Malleability of “Social Integration” in EU Law
e-Journal- 942 lectures
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Explaining the paradox: The historical limitations on European “social integration” as a counter-balance to the internal market. – II.1. The traditional European/national divide in the economic/social dichotomy: social progress as a by-product of economic integration. – II.2. Expanding the market freedoms...
From Alternative Triggers to Shifting Links: Social Integration and Protection of Supranational Citizenship in the Context of Brexit and Beyond
e-Journal- 958 lectures
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Brexit and loss of citizenship. – II.1. The matrix of loss of citizenship. – II.2. Citizens’ rights protected in the withdrawal agreement. – III.3. The home State ransom and the fragility of supranational citizenship. – III. Citizenship protection between home and host State. – III.1. Checks on the home...
The Absence of Integration and the Responsibilisation of Union Citizenship
e-Journal- 964 lectures
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Union citizenship as a status of integration: being and time and the passive citizen. – III. The reactive turn: the indigent and the criminal and the absence of integration – III.1. Economic activity and access to social benefits. – III.2. Crime and integration. – IV. Qualitative criteria of integration and...
Conflicts Between Fundamental Freedoms and Fundamental Rights in the Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union – A Comparison with the US Supreme Court Practice
e-Journal- 982 lectures
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Fundamental freedoms and fundamental rights in EU law. – III. Comparability of the case law of the Court of Justice and the US Supreme Court on conflicts of rights. – IV. Criticisms related to the Court of Justice case law. – IV.1. Hierarchy. – IV.2. Balancing by the Court of Justice. – IV.3. Fundamental...
The Accountability of the European Stability Mechanism and the European Monetary Fund: Who Should Answer for Conditionality Measures?
e-Journal- 1032 lectures
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. We are one, but we are not the same. The Mallis case and the accountability of the Eurogroup and the Board of Governors. – II.1. The Cypriot bail-out. – II.2. The Mallis case. – II.3. The political and legal accountability of the Eurogroup. – III. The man the authorities came to blame? The...
Law and Foreign Policy Before the Court: Some Hidden Perils of Rosneft
e-Journal- 1194 lectures
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Background to the dispute and the questions referred. – III. Jurisdiction: The criticism. – IV. The Court and preliminary rulings. – IV.1. Law. – IV.2. Politics. – V. Conclusion.
Abstract: The landmark decision of the Court of Justice in Rosneft (...
European Papers - A Journal on Law and Integration, Vol. 3, 2018, No 2
News- 347 lectures
Carnets européens a le plaisir d’annoncer que le numéro 2 du volume 3, 2018 est maintenant disponible en ligne....
Social Integration of Refugees and Asylum Seekers Through the Exercise of Socio-economic Rights in European Union Law
e-Journal- 972 lectures
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Economic and social rights equal to those of nationals. – III. Cases where discrimination between refugees and nationals, or between those respectively granted refugee status and subsidiary protection status on social and economic grounds, is allowed. – IV. The case of discriminatory residence-related...
Fundamental Values and Fundamental Disagreement in Europe
e-Journal- 787 lectures
On 12 September 2018, two events occurred, both with considerable legal and political implications, and seemingly inspired by different conceptions about the role of European fundamental values and principles.
The first event is a resolution adopted by the European Parliament – on the basis of a large majority – calling upon the Council to determine...
Interdependence and Contestation in European Integration
e-Journal- 1118 lectures
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Institutionalising interdependence. – II.1. The institutions of interdependence. – II.2. Interdependence through law? – II.3. 1992-2019: Ever further interdependence? – III. Institutionalising contestation. – III.1. Beyond the regulatory polity. – III.2. Beyond the individual. – III.3. Beyond uniformity. –...
Freedom of Movement, Social Integration and Naturalization: Testing Reverse Discrimination in the Recent Case Law of the Court of Justice
Insight- 701 lectures
Abstract: The Insight addresses reverse discrimination in the field of free movement and derived residence rights for EU citizens’ family members who are third country nationals. It outlines the debate concerning the justification for differential treatment and discusses the role of the EU and the Member States in relation to reverse discrimination. While the...
Directive (EU) 2017/1371 on the Fight Against Fraud to the Union’s Financial Interests by Means of Criminal Law: A Missed Goal?
Insight- 1787 lectures
Abstract: This Insight analyses the so-called PIF Directive (i.e. Directive (EU) 2017/1371 of the European Parliament and the Council of 5 July 2017 on the fight against fraud to the Union's financial interests by means of criminal law). The aim of the PIF Directive is to strengthen the protection of the financial interests of the Union and...
Organizzazioni di tendenza religiosa: quali limiti all’esenzione dal divieto di discriminazione religiosa in materia di lavoro?
Insight- 1146 lectures
Abstract: The present Insight is an attempt to shed light on the Court’s findings in its Vera Egenberger judgment of 17 April 2018 (case C-414/16). For the first time, the Court interprets Art. 4, para. 2, of Directive 2000/78/EC, providing some important clarifications. Indeed, Art. 4, para. 2, establishes an exception to the general principle of...
The Expressive Dimension of the Union Citizenship Expulsion Regime: Joined Cases C-331/16 and C-366/16, K and HF
Insight- 892 lectures
Abstract: The case of in K and HF (Court of Justice, judgment of 2 May 2018, joined cases C-331/16 and C-366/16) turns on a very specific set of facts, namely the restriction of Union citizen’s residence rights on the basis of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Nonetheless, in its judgment the Court of Justice continues its development...
The General Court’s Judgments in the Cases Access Info Europe v. Commission (T-851/16 and T-852/16): A Transparency Paradox?
Insight- 903 lectures
Abstract: On 7 February 2018, the General Court issued two twin judgments (T-851/16 and T-852/16) concerning requests for access to documents based on regulation 1049/2001. The two judgments added another piece to the expanding puzzle of case-law concerning access to documents held by institutions of the European Union. They developed a detailed...