European Papers - A Journal on Law and Integration, Vol. 1, 2016, No 2

Brexit Referendum: Beginning of the End or Just a Turning Point?
National Identity and European Integration: The Unbearable Lightness of Legal Tradition
Luigi Corrias
Openness towards European Law and Cooperation with the Court of Justice Revisited: The Bundesverfassungsgericht Judgment of 21 June 2016 on the OMT Programme
Massimo Starita
The Unconfined Power of European Union Law
Damian Chalmers
Lex Imperfecta: Law and Integration in European Foreign and Security Policy
Ramses A. Wessel
New Perspectives on EU-IMF Relations: A Step to Strengthen the EMU External Governance
Manuel Lopez-Escudero
Legal and Accountability Issues Arising from the ECB’s Conditionality
Annamaria Viterbo
On the Agenda: The Refugee Crisis and European Integration
Minimalist Reflections on Europe, Refugees and Law
Thomas Spijkerboer
The European Border and Coast Guard: A New Model Built on an Old Logic
Philippe De Bruycker
Dialoguing with Carol Harlow on “The Limping Legitimacy of EU Lawmaking: A Barrier to Integration”
Antoine Vauchez
Avotiņš v. Latvia. The Uneasy Balance Between Mutual Recognition of Judgments and Protection of Fundamental Rights
Giacomo Biagioni
European Forum
Insights and Highlights
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