Brexit: Theresa May’s Red Lines Get Tangled up in Her Red Tape. A Commentary on the White Paper


Abstract: The 29 March 2017 is now set to become the historical day Art. 50 TEU was triggered for the first time ever. Equally, unprecedented negotiations, in which the United Kingdom and the European Union will settle their divorce, will follow. With the aim of proving that the UK Government has the necessary negotiating strategy, it recently...

El Sistema Constitucional de la Unión Europea en Liza: Recapitulando el Caso Miller


Abstract: This Insight analyses the decisions in Miller et al. v. Secretary of State for exiting the European Union (UK High Court, judgment of 3 November 2016, [2016] EWHC 2768 (Admin); UK Supreme Court, judgment of 24 January 2017, [2017] UKSC 5) focusing on the constitutional implications of the Brexit for the United Kingdom and...

Denialism as the Supreme Expression of Realism – A Quick Comment on NF v. European Council


Abstract: By Order of 28 February 2017 in case T-192/16, NF v. European Council, the General Court dismissed as inadmissible an action for annulment brought against the s.c. EU-Turkey deal concluded on 18 March 2016. In the view of the General Court, independently of its binding nature, the deal is to be attributed to the Member States and...

A Br-Exit Strategy: Questioning Dualism in the Decision R (Miller) v. The Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union


Abstract: The authors offer an alternative reading of the judgment R (Miller) v. The Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union focusing on the dualistic v. monistic dichotomy which permeates the High Court’s reasoning. The authors argue that the Court strives for rendering a substantive reading of the relationship between...

L’accordo per il Tribunale unificato dei brevetti: quali prospettive dopo la ratifica italiana e la Brexit?


Abstract: The entry into force of the Agreement on the Unified Patent Court looks nowadays even more uncertain than it did before. The Brexit has seriously impacted on the cautious optimisms believing in its possible entry into force by Spring 2017. While the ratification process keeps moving onwards – reaching in November 2016 the thirteenth...

Representing the People vs Channelling Them: Constitutional Niceties in an Age of Instant Democratic Gratification


Keywords: Brexit – UK constitutional law – Article 50 TEU – prerogative – separation of powers – treaty-making.

On 3 November 2016 the High Court decided in the case R (Miller) v. Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union[1] that the Prime Minister...

Respect des valeurs de l’Union européenne en Pologne: première application du nouveau cadre pour renforcer l’État de droit


Keywords: European Union values – Arts 7 and 49 TEU – rule of law – European Commission – Poland – framework to strengthen the rule of law.

L’Union européenne est, comme le revendiquent l’art. 2 du traité sur l’Union européenne ainsi que le préambule de la Charte des droits fondamentaux, fondée sur un certain...

La prima volta per la procedura di controllo sul rispetto dei valori dell'Unione prevista dall'art. 7 TUE? Alcune implicazioni per l'integrazione europea


Keywords: European Commission – recommendation – Art. 7 TEU – EU common values – rule of law – serious and persistent breach.

Con la raccomandazione del 27 luglio 2016[1] la Commissione europea ha proseguito la propria attività rispetto alla crisi costituzionale in...

Ancora sulla portata e gli effetti dell’art. 267 TFUE. In margine al caso Puligienica


Abstract: In its judgment of 5 April 2016, in Puligienica, the CJEU extended to the relationship between the chambers and the plenary session of the supreme administrative court of a Member State its previous case-law on the national courts’ discretion to request a preliminary ruling notwithstanding, under national legislation, they are...

Interpretazione dei Trattati istitutivi dell’UE: quale ruolo per le decisioni assunte in sede di Consiglio europeo?


Abstract: At the meeting of 18 and 19 February 2016, the European Council adopted a decision aimed at determining the interpretation of the “ever closer Union” clause contained in the founding Treaties and their preambles. The present Insight will deal with the effect of European Council’s decisions, and of agreements concluded in...



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