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European Papers Jean Monnet Network Conference

Are the EU Member States still Sovereign States under International Law?

15-16 December 2022 – Law School | Sapienza University of Rome
Registration Form

(pdf version)
Call for Papers


The European Papers Jean Monnet Network (EP-JMN) is pleased to announce that the EP-JMN Conference ‘Are the EU Member States still Sovereign States under International Law?’ will be held at the at the Sapienza University of Rome on December 15th and 16th, 2022

The EP-JMN Rome Conference is organized by the Department of Legal and Economic Studies in cooperation with the School of Law of Sapienza University of Rome, in the framework of the Jean Monnet Network European Papers - A Journal on Law and Integration , and with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union (Project Reference: 610707-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPJMO-NETWORK).


Thursday, 15 December 2022

10:30-11:00 - Welcome address

11:00-13:30 - Session I: The Process of European Integration: A Permanent Challenge to the Doctrine of Sovereignty?

Chair: Gian Luigi Tosato (Sapienza University of Rome)

State Sovereignty and Supranational Integration
Bardo Faßbender (University of St. Gallen)

Supranational Integration and State Sovereignty
Ramses Wessel (University of Groningen) and Federico Casolari (University of Bologna)

The Equality of the Member States in EU External Action
Christine Kaddous (University of Geneva)

Sovereignty Regained? United Kingdom after Brexit
Adam Łazowki (University of Westminster)

13:30-15:00 - Lunch break

15:00-18:00 - Session II: Domaine réservé of the Member States and the Limits from EU Law

Chair: Ségolène Barbou des Places (University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne)

National Identity and Domestic Jurisdiction: Two Overlapping Notions?
Jan Wouters (KU Leuven)

How EU Law Integrates Constitutional Limits
Gareth Davies (VU Amsterdam)

National Security, the Limits of National Powers and the Principle of Limited Competence
Panos Koutrakos (City University of London)

How to Tango? The Contradictory Nature of the Public Order and National Security Exemption within the Schengen Area
Mariana Mykyliuk (University of Salzburg)

The Fight Against Harmful Tax Competition in the EU: A Limit to National Sovereignty?
Gabriella Perotto (Bocconi University)

Friday, 16 December 2022

09:00-11:00 - Session III: The EU, the Member States and International Law Making

Chair: Maria Irene Papa (Sapienza University of Rome)

The EU, Member States and International Law Making: A Customary Law Perspective
Christina Binder (Bundeswehr University Munich)

The EU’s Contribution to the Development of the Law of the Treaties
Jed Odermatt (City University of London)

Cooperation between the EU and its Member States in International Law Making as a Means to Promote Human Rights Law Reforms in Third States: The Case of China
David Garciandía Igal (University of Oxford)

Responsibility of EU Member States under International Law in their Inter Se Relations: Is there still Room for that?
Tamás Molnár (EU Agency for Fundamental Rights)

11:00-11:30 - Coffee break

11:30-13:30 - Session IV: The Implementation of International Law Through the Action of the EU and the Member States

Chair: Emanuele Cimiotta (Sapienza University of Rome)

Statehood beyond Membership: Emancipation of EU Member States through International Law
Nicolas Levrat (University of Geneva) and Yuliya Kaspiarovich (University of Groningen)

The EU Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime: Sovereignty and Jurisdiction in the Face of New International Law Enforcement Tools
Charlotte Beaucillon (University of Lille)

European Migration Law between 'Saving' and 'Taming' the Nation State: From the Dynamic Transformation of Border Controls to the Paralysis of Joint Decision-Making
Daniel Thym (University of Konstanz)

Is the Norm Enshrined in Article 60 VCLT Applicable Within the EU in Cases of a Systemic Violation of the Principles Constituting the Axiological Foundations of the Union?
Marcin Górski (University of Łódź)

13:30-15:00 - Lunch break

15:00-17:30 - Session V: The EU, the Member States and the International Use of Force

Chair: Alessandra Gianelli (Sapienza University of Rome)

Game Changer? Revisiting ‘Qualified Neutrality’ in Light of the EU’s Response to the War in Ukraine
Alexandra Hofer (Utrecht University)

EU’s Mutual Defence Clause Revisited: Neutrality and Collective Defence in the Shadow of New Challenges
Maria Varaki (King's College London)

EU Support to Belligerent Third States: In its own Name or on behalf of its Member States?
Aurora Rasi (Sapienza University of Rome)

The EU and Crisis Management: Myth or Reality?
Nicola Napoletano (Unitelma Sapienza University of Rome)


Call for Papers


The ‘flowing tide’ of EU law is increasingly affecting the prerogatives of the EU Member States as sovereign States under international law. This holds true both in domestic matters, where the European integration process is progressively eroding the alleged domaine réservé of the Member States, as well as in the external action, which is ever more constrained by the bulk of obligations stemming from EU law and by the EU’s activities in the international arena. Against this background, the call targets proposals for papers addressing the following question: ‘Are the EU Member States still sovereign states under international law?’.

The Conference Scientific Committee welcomes proposals from both an international law and EU law perspective, on topics falling within the scope of the Conference and, in particular, within the macro-areas listed below:

1. EU and Member States in international law making: competition or cooperation?
2. Inter-state international law as an alternative to EU law in the process of European integration.
3. Domaine réservé of the Member States and limits from EU law (e.g.: attribution and withdrawal of citizenship, internal organisation of the judiciary).
4. EU and Member States in the maintenance of international peace and security.
5. The implementation of international law through the action of the EU and the Member States.
6. The outside looking in: the EU and the Member States regarded from an international law perspective. 

Submission and selection process

Interested scholars should submit an English abstract (in the range of 700-1.200 words), together with a short bio or resumé, to by September 5th, 2022. Please include your name, e-mail and affiliation along with the abstract. Successful applicants, who will be notified by e-mail by the end of September, are expected to provide a complete paper by November 25th, 2022 (max 10.000 words)

Publication plans will be communicated at a later stage, and may include publication in a Special Section of European Papers - A Journal on Law and Integration or in an edited volume with an international publisher.

Travel costs and accommodation

The EP-JMN will cover the travel costs and accommodation for successful applicants.

Contacts and information

For further information on the Call for Papers and the upcoming EP-JMN Rome Conference, please feel free to contact

More information on the activities promoted by the  European Papers Jean Monnet Network are available here.


Registration: Only registered participants can attend the Conference. Please, fill in the Registration Form by 4 December 2022.
Organized byDepartment of Legal and Economic Studies in cooperation with the School of Law of Sapienza University of Rome & European Papers Jean Monnet Network (EP-JMN)
Venue: Law School | Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)
Poster   -   Flyer   -   Programme

Scientific Committee
: Enzo Cannizzaro (Sapienza University of Rome), Marco Fisicaro (Unitelma Sapienza University of Rome), Nicola Napoletano (Unitelma Sapienza University of Rome), Aurora Rasi (Sapienza University of Rome).


EP-JMN Partner Universities

European Papers - A Journal on Law and Integration