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Organizzazioni di tendenza religiosa: quali limiti all’esenzione dal divieto di discriminazione religiosa in materia di lavoro?


Abstract: The present Insight is an attempt to shed light on the Court’s findings in its Vera Egenberger judgment of 17 April 2018 (case C-414/16). For the first time, the Court interprets Art. 4, para. 2, of Directive 2000/78/EC, providing some important clarifications. Indeed, Art. 4, para. 2, establishes an exception to the general principle of...

The European Forum is waiting for your contribution

Insight, Highlight

The European Forum is designed to be a hotbed of intellectual discussion, a breeding place for ideas, and an indispensable tool for updating and keeping in touch with the latest developments on European integration.

The European Forum aims at being an interlocutor for an open set of recipients. To achieve this aim, it publishes Highlights and Insights...


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