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The Law Department of the University of Verona, in cooperation with the Ph.D. School of Law and Economics and the European Documentation Centre, welcomes submissions to the #TILT Young Academics Colloquium...
The Law Department of the University of Verona, in cooperation with the Ph.D. School of Law and Economics and the European Documentation Centre, welcomes submissions to the #TILT Young Academics Colloquium...
Abstract: This Insight comments on the recent referral for a preliminary ruling by the Irish High Court Minister of Justice and Equality v. Celmer (judgment of 12 March 2018, no. 2017 EXT 291) in the case concerning a Polish citizen sought by the Republic of Poland pursuant to the European Arrest Warrant. The key problem relates to...
Abstract: The judgment in the case Associação Sindical dos Juízes Portugueses (Court of Justice, judgment of 27 February 2018, case C-64/16) offers a significant contribution to the sensitive issue of the role of the Court of Justice in monitoring the respect of the rule of law by the EU Member States. The Insight focuses on the...
Abstract: This Insight examines the judgment delivered by the Court of Justice on 25 January 2018 in the case F (C-473/16). This case concerns a very sensitive topic, as it relates to the admissibility of an expert’s report and projective personality tests to assess the existence of a specific ground upon which international...
Abstract: In its decision A and S (judgment of 12 April 2018, case C-550/16, A et S v. Staatssecretaris van Veiligheid en Justitie), the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled – for the first time – on the relevant date for assessing the minority of an unaccompanied minor who reaches the age of majority in the course of their...
Abstract: The interaction between European sources and national provisions has increased the degree of uncertainty with regard to the nature of time limitation in criminal law in the Italian system. In this respect, in case M.A.S. & M.B (judgment of 5 december 2017, case C-42/17) the Grand Chamber of the CJEU answered the question...