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European Papers is pleased to announce that its Issue No 3 in the Volume 2, 2017 is now available online....
European Papers is pleased to announce that its Issue No 3 in the Volume 2, 2017 is now available online....
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. La reconnaissance par l’Union européenne de la souveraineté du Maroc sur le Sahara. – II.1. La reconnaissance par l’Union européenne de la souveraineté du Maroc sur le Sahara à travers une série d’accords internationaux, dont l’accord de partenariat. – II.2. La reconnaissance par l’Union européenne de la...
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. General principles and their application. – II.1. The assessment of the risk. – II.2. Principles of the benefit of the doubt and the burden of proof. – II.3. Targeted group and inability to protect. – III. Concluding remarks.
Abstract: The European
...Table of Contents: Preliminary remarks: judicial review of international agreements between self-restraint and judicial activism. – II. The decision of the General Court in Front Polisario and the procedural approach. – III. The substantive approach in the decision of the Court of Justice in Front Polisario. – IV....
Table of Contents: I. The EU judiciary faced with the exploitation of natural resources in Western Sahara. – II. Administrative powers and the exploitation of natural resources in non-self-governing territories. – III. “Grey areas” and unsettled issues. – IV. Of the uncertainty principle and of Voelkerrecthsfreundlichkeit...
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Some factual elements of the Western Sahara dispute. – III. The Association Agreement and the proceeding before the General Court in the Case T-512/12. – IV. The Court of Justice judgment of 21 December 2016. – V. The right to self-determination and the Front Polisario case. – VI....
In an earlier issue, European Papers hosted a comment by Eva Kassoti on the Court of Justice’s decision in case C-104/16 P, Council of the European Union v. Front Polisario.
The comment has triggered a number of reactions, some of which requesting that the critical points it made be counterbalanced by different views. Aware of the...
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Reasons for the inclusion of EDU provisions in the Lisbon Treaty and their rationale. – III. Legal considerations. – III.1. The options. – III.2. Establishment of Permanent Structured Cooperation. – III.3. Functioning. – III.4. Purpose. – III.5. Funding. – IV. Conclusion.
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. The “democracy” in EU democracy promotion. – III. The EU-Turkey relationship. – IV. Analysing democracy promotion in the EU-Turkey relationship. – IV.1. Positive/express democracy promotion. – IV.2. Negative/express democracy promotion. – IV.3. Positive/implied democracy promotion. – IV.4. Negative/implied...
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Art. 50 TEU: does it provide for a transitional arrangement? – III. Art. 50 TEU as a transition. – IV. Tailor-made transitional arrangement. – IV.1. Introduction. – IV.2. Where to regulate a transitional arrangement? – IV.3. Institutional and substantive aspects of a tailor-made transitional arrangement. – V...
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. The Opinion of the Court. – III. Analysis of Opinion 2/15. – IV. Concluding remarks.
Abstract: Opinion 2/15 (Court of Justice, opinion of 16 May 2017) represents just the latest example of the persistent crisis that affects the CCP. The EU’s CCP has...
Table of Contents: I. Introduction: objectives v. policies, a new balance for coherence. – II. General v. policy-linked objectives: into the logics of constructive interpretation. – III. The new policy stretch: “effects” and “special link” reloaded. – IV. Objectives v. competences: material coherence without substance....
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Legal and factual background. – III. Opinion of AG Mengozzi. – IV. Opinion of the Court of Justice. – V. Analysis. – VI. Conclusion.
Abstract: This Overview considers Opinion 1/15 of 26 July 2017 of the Court of Justice on the EU-Canada...
The political developments in Poland, which took place in course of the past two years, have brought very chilling eastern winds to Brussels. In a relatively short period of time, one of the success stories of economic (and seemingly of political) transformation and the EU enlargement policy has become a pariah and a tough cookie to crack for the many across Europe. The...
The Annual Event of the Institute of European Law "The future of differentiated integration in the EU" will take place at KU Leuven on 12 January 2018.