European Forum - Special Focus on 'Instrumentalisation of Migrants, Sanctions Tackling Hybrid Attacks and Schengen Reform in the Shadows of the Pact'

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European Papers is pleased to announce the launch of a Special Focus on 'Instrumentalisation of Migrants, Sanctions Tackling Hybrid Attacks and Schengen Reform in the Shadows of the Pact', edited by Daniela Vitiello and Stefano Montaldo.

Daniela Vitiello, The Nansen Passport and the EU Temporary Protection Directive: Reflections on Solidarity, Mobility Rights and the Future of Asylum in Europe
Chiara Scissa, Misure emergenziali al confine tra UE e Bielorussia: uno scontro tra 'titani' con gravi ripercussioni per i migranti
Jean-Pierre Cassarino, An Unsettling Déjà-vu: The May 2021 Ceuta Events
Marcella Cometti, La “strumentalizzazione” delle persone migranti: la risposta dell’Unione europea e la reazione lituana a confronto. Un’occasione per riflettere (anche) sull’operato dell’agenzia dell’UE per l’asilo
Vasiliki Apatzidou, Schengen Reform: ‘Alternatives’ to Border Controls to Curb ‘Secondary Movements’
Marilù Porchia, Le deroghe alla direttiva rimpatri all'ombra del Patto: strumentalizzazione dei migranti e riforma del meccanismo di valutazione e monitoraggio di Schengen
Felix Peerboom, Protecting Borders or Individual Rights? A Comparative Due Process Rights Analysis of EU and Member State Responses to ‘Weaponised’ Migration
Marco Gerbaudo, The European Commission’s Instrumentalization Strategy: Normalising Border Procedures and De Facto Detention
Cristina Milano, Language Requirements: Integration Measures or Legal Barriers? Insights from X v Udlændingenævnet
Mirko Forti, Belarus-sponsored Migration Movements and the Response by Lithuania, Latvia, and Poland: A Critical Appraisal
Mariana Gkliati, Let’s Call It what It Is: Hybrid Threats and Instrumentalisation as the Evolution of Securitisation in Migration Management


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