Sensibilité(s) européenne(s) et sensibilité animale: l’affaire Centraal Israëlitisch Consistorie van België e a.


Abstract: The Court of Justice of the European Union is once again invited to rule on the conciliation between animal welfare and freedom of religion. Mainly relying on the lack of consensus among the Member States, the Court finds that a national legislation introducing an obligation of reversible stunning is admitted according to Regulation (EC)...

Commission c. Italie, affaire C-644/18: nouveau manquement d’Etat au regard de la directive 'qualité de l’air'


Keywords: environment – appropriate measures – pollution – human health – infringement procedure – air quality.

Le 13 octobre 2018, la Commission a saisi la Cour de Justice de l’Union européenne d’un recours en manquement à l’encontre de l’Etat italien au motif de la violation de la directive 2008/50/CE, dite...

A New EU Sanctions Regime Against Human Rights Violations


Keywords: Restrictive measures – Common Foreign and Security Policy – EU smart sanctions – human rights violations – EU external action.

On October 19, the European Commission and the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Joseph Borrell, put forward a Joint Proposal for a...

The PSPP Judgment of the German Federal Constitutional Court: Throwing Sand in the Wheels of the European Central Bank


Abstract: After describing the measures adopted by the European Central Bank (ECB) to mitigate the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in the euro area, the Insight focusses on the repercussions of the controversial judgment adopted by the German Federal Constitutional Court (BVerfG) on 5 May 2020. It is contended that the criteria...

Diritti dei passeggeri nel mercato aereo tra libera concorrenza e trasparenza tariffaria: brevi note a margine del caso Ryanair c. AGCM


Keywords: internal market – competition law – unfair commercial practices – pricing policies – additional charges – transparency.

Con la sentenza Ryanair Ltd. c. AGCM,[1] depositata lo scorso 23 aprile 2020, la Corte di giustizia è intervenuta sulle...

Lifting the Veil: COVID-19 and the Need to Re-consider Airline Regulation


Abstract: Based on the assumption that the COVID-19 pandemic might provide the occasion to re-think the role of aircraft passenger transportation, this Insight advocates a re-evaluation of the market models developed over the past decades to deregulate the airline industry. The first aspect on which the Insight focuses is the...

Religious Slaughtering and Organic Labels: Œuvre d’assistance aux bêtes d’abattoirs


Abstract: In Œuvre d’assistance aux bêtes d’abattoirs (judgment of 26 February 2019, case C-497/17 [GC]) the Court of Justice held that the EU organic label cannot be placed on meat products if the animal has been slaughtered in accordance with religious rites, when the animal was not stunned before killing. According to the Court, this is...



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