The Curious Incident of the ‘State Aid’ Granted by an International Arbitral Tribunal


Abstract: In case C-638/19 P Commission v European Food ECLI:EU:C:2022:50, the Grand Chamber of the Court of Justice of the European Union held that the Commission was competent to assess the compatibility of State aid granted as a consequence of an arbitral award issued against Romania by a tribunal established under a bilateral investment...

Tempus and Two Visions of the Required Level of Diligence in State Aid Assessment


Keywords: State aid – preliminary examination – compatibility of aid – serious doubts – pre-notification contacts – electricity capacity market.

In the judgment in case C‑57/19 P Commission v Tempus Energy and Tempus Energy Technology,[1] the Court of Justice...

The General Court in Amazon and Engie: A New Effect-based Approach Aimed at the Endorsement of the 'Vestager Doctrine'?


Abstract: The rulings of the General Court in the cases of Amazon and Engie (respectively, joined cases T-816/17 and T-318/18 Luxembourg. v Commission ECLI:EU:T:2021:252 and joined cases T-516/18 and T-525/18 Luxembourg v Commission ECLI:EU:T:2021:25) are the last two episodes of the “tax ruling saga”. This ...

EU Soft Law Instruments as a Tool to Tackle the COVID-19 Crisis: Looking at the “Guidance” on Public Procurement Through the Prism of Solidarity


Abstract: The European Commission has used soft law instruments to tackle the COVID-19 crisis. In so doing, it not only tried to accommodate the emergency within the flexibilities inherent in EU law, but it also assumed, along with national authorities, its own share of responsibility to respond to economic and public health issues. By taking as a...

Lifting the Veil: COVID-19 and the Need to Re-consider Airline Regulation


Abstract: Based on the assumption that the COVID-19 pandemic might provide the occasion to re-think the role of aircraft passenger transportation, this Insight advocates a re-evaluation of the market models developed over the past decades to deregulate the airline industry. The first aspect on which the Insight focuses is the...

Adapting to Change: COVID-19 as a Factor Shaping EU State Aid Law


Abstract: The purpose of this Insight is to illustrate how State aid law will work in this troubled time. First, it focuses on Art. 107, para. 3, let. b) and c), TFEU and the Temporary Framework adopted by the European Commission to support the economy in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak. Furthermore, it clarifies the role that Art. 107...

The General Court’s Ruling in Tercas: Between Imputability of the Aid to the State and Use of State Resources


Abstract: This Insight examines the clarification provided by the General Court’s ruling in Tercas (namely, judgment of 19 March 2019, joined cases T-98/16, T-196/16 and T-198/16, Italy and Others v. Commission) with regard to two constituent elements of the notion of State aid: the “imputability to the State” and the “use...

Antitrust and Coopservice: Procurement Aggregation Is a Serious Thing (Adjudicating Too)


Abstract: Antritrust and Coopservice (judgment of 19 December 2018, case C-216/17) is a peculiar product of the Court of Justice. It is one of a kind in aggregate procurement, a subfield of public procurement that has remained virtually untouched by the Court. A number of very helpful and reasonable directions can be drawn from this judgment with respect to...

State Aid, the Criterion of State Resources and Renewable Energy Support Mechanisms: Fresh Wind from Luxembourg in EEG 2012


Abstract: EEG 2012 (judgment of 28 March 2019, case C-405/16 P, Germany v. Commission) deals with the assessment under EU State aid rules of a German renewable energy support mechanism in force from 2012 to 2014. The case hinged on the proper interpretation and application of the criterion of State resources. The Court of Justice...

La verità, vi prego, sul criterio del creditore privato: Commissione c. FIH Holding e FIH Erhvervsbank


Abstract: In Commission v. FIH Holding and FIH Erhvervsbank (judgement of 6 March 2018, case C-579/16 P), the Court of Justice dealt with the case of a bank, beneficiary of an aid scheme, that had already been granted a number of benefits, which were approved by the European Commission as aid schemes compatible with the internal market. The...



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