Pena de Prisión e inmigración irregular: comentario a la sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea en el asunto C-290/14, Celaj


Abstract: This case deals with the relation between national criminal Law and the European legislation on migration. More precisely, it tackles the compatibility of the imposition of a custodial sentence to a non-European citizen in an irregular situation under the Return Directive 2008/115/CE. Unlike the previous cases in which the Court of Justice...

Il nuovo trattenimento dei richiedenti protezione internazionale


Keywords: international protection – detention – administrative detention – asylum – returning illegal immigrants.

Con il decreto legislativo del 18 agosto 2015 n. 142, entrato in vigore il 30 settembre 2015, sono state trasposte la direttiva 2013/32/UE del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio del 26 giugno 2013...

Again in the Hands of States: A New EU Unfeasible Plan to Face Refugee Crisis? Commission Recommendation for a Voluntary Humanitarian Admission Scheme with Turkey


Keywords: refugee – Turkey – humanitarian admission – admission procedure – secondary movements – subsidiary protection – temporary protection.

Among the efforts made by the European Commission to confront the refugee crisis, one of the last proposals has been to implement a humanitarian admission procedure to...

Schengen, Differentiated Integration and Cooperation with the ‘Outs’


Abstract: In case C-44/14, Spain v. European Parliament and Council, the Court of Justice of the European Union has had the opportunity to clarify the scope and effects of the British and Irish opt-out in the Schengen area. The Court held that a limited cooperation with those countries by means of international agreements in an area of the...



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