Religious Slaughtering and Organic Labels: Œuvre d’assistance aux bêtes d’abattoirs


Abstract: In Œuvre d’assistance aux bêtes d’abattoirs (judgment of 26 February 2019, case C-497/17 [GC]) the Court of Justice held that the EU organic label cannot be placed on meat products if the animal has been slaughtered in accordance with religious rites, when the animal was not stunned before killing. According to the Court, this is...

Cordella et al. v. Italy: Industrial Emissions and Italian Omissions Under Scrutiny


Abstract: This Insight focuses on the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights of 24 January 2019, Cordella et al. v. Italy (joint applications n. 54414/13 and n. 54264/15), marking an important step in the judicial saga of the Ilva steel plant in Taranto. The Court unanimously established Italy’s responsibility in failing to...

Organizzazioni di tendenza religiosa: quali limiti all’esenzione dal divieto di discriminazione religiosa in materia di lavoro?


Abstract: The present Insight is an attempt to shed light on the Court’s findings in its Vera Egenberger judgment of 17 April 2018 (case C-414/16). For the first time, the Court interprets Art. 4, para. 2, of Directive 2000/78/EC, providing some important clarifications. Indeed, Art. 4, para. 2, establishes an exception to the general principle of...

Emergency Measures Against GMOs 
Between Harmonizing and De-harmonizing
 Trends: The Case Fidenato et al.


Abstract: This Insight comments on the preliminary ruling in the case Fidenato et al. (judgment of 13 September 2017, case C-111/16), in which the Court of Justice excluded that Member States may rely on the precautionary principle enshrined in Art. 7 of Regulation 178/2002 to adopt emergency measures against the cultivation of...

Theory and Practice of Emissions Trading in the European Union: Some Reflections on Allowance Allocation in Light of the DK Recycling Case


Abstract: In its judgment of 22 June 2016, DK Recycling und Roheisen GmbH v. Commission, the Court of Justice ruled on an appeal brought by a German undertaking operating installations subject to the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), i.e. a “carbon market” where operators trade greenhouse gas emission allowances. At issue in...

Précisions sur la gestion du système européen d’échange de quotas d’émission de gaz à effet de serre


Keywords: greenhouse emission scheme – allowances – thievery – rectification decision – Kyoto Protocol – legal certainty.

Plus de dix ans après son adoption, la directive 2003/87 CE[1] du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 13 octobre 2003 établissant un système d’...



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