Impact of Brexit on European Company Law: A French Private International Lawyer Perspective


Abstract: Although the outcome of the Brexit remains quite uncertain, this Insight aims at contemplating, from a private international law perspective, what the consequences of Brexit, in the field of Company law, could be. From Incorporation to (possible) freedom of movement, through recognition (and its consequences), the major...

A Check Move for the Principle of Mutual Trust from Dublin: The Celmer Case


Abstract: This Insight comments on the recent referral for a preliminary ruling by the Irish High Court Minister of Justice and Equality v. Celmer (judgment of 12 March 2018, no. 2017 EXT 291) in the case concerning a Polish citizen sought by the Republic of Poland pursuant to the European Arrest Warrant. The key problem relates to...

Il controllo della Corte di giustizia sul rispetto del principio dello Stato di diritto da parte degli Stati membri: alcune riflessioni in margine alla sentenza Associação Sindical dos Juízes Portugueses


Abstract: The judgment in the case Associação Sindical dos Juízes Portugueses (Court of Justice, judgment of 27 February 2018, case C-64/16) offers a significant contribution to the sensitive issue of the role of the Court of Justice in monitoring the respect of the rule of law by the EU Member States. The Insight focuses on the...

The "Path Towards European Integration" of the Italian Constitutional Court: The Primacy of EU Law in the Light of the Judgment No. 269/17


Abstract: The interaction between European sources and national provisions has increased the degree of uncertainty with regard to the nature of time limitation in criminal law in the Italian system. In this respect, in case M.A.S. & M.B (judgment of 5 december 2017, case C-42/17) the Grand Chamber of the CJEU answered the question...

La Corte costituzionale chiude la “saga Taricco”: tra riserva di legge, opposizione de facto del controlimite e implicita negazione dell’effetto diretto


Abstract: This Insight focuses on the recent ruling delivered by the Italian Constitutional Court (ICC) on April 10th 2018, n. 115 (which has been lodged on May 31st 2018), on the so called Taricco affair. The author submits three main arguments. The first is that the ICC, by explicitly rejecting the possible...

Transparency of Legislative Procedures and Access to Acts of Trilogues: Case T-540/15, De Capitani v. European Parliament


Abstract: On 22 March 2018, for the first time the General Court ruled on access to documents of trilogues (case T-540/15, De Capitani v. European Parliament). These are informal meetings between representatives of the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission, which negotiate to reach an agreement, which must subsequently be...

L’arrêt de la Grande Chambre de la CJUE du 6 mars 2018 dans l’affaire Achmea: la fin des TBI européens?


Abstract: The Achmea case (Court of Justice, judgment of 6 March 2018, case C-284/16) gave the opportunity to the Grand Chamber of the Court of Justice to settle a longstanding controversy: investment arbitration is contrary to the principle of the autonomy of the European Union legal order. The reach of the decision, which was delivered in...

Minister for Justice v. O'Connor: A Decisive Moment for the Future of the EAW in the UK


Abstract: The Irish Supreme Court (IESC) decided to lodge a request for a preliminary ruling with the CJEU in Minister for Justice v. O’Connor on February 1st. The IESC enquired the CJEU about the possibility of surrendering individuals to the UK who will be imprisoned beyond the date on which this country will withdraw from the...

I giochi d’azzardo on-line, le raccomandazioni e il principio “soft law is no law”


Abstract: In its judgement of 20 February 2018 (case C-16/16 P, Belgium v. European Commission) the CJEU extends to recommendations its settled case-law that non-binding acts cannot be challenged before the Court of Justice. Moreover, the decision deals with the role of the Commission as institution that can perform, through...

It Is not Just About Investor-State Arbitration: 
A Look at Case C-284/16, Achmea BV


Abstract: In the much-awaited Achmea judgment (of 6 March 2018, case C-284/16 [GC]), the Court of Justice held that investor-state tribunals (ISTs), “such as” the one under the Netherlands-Slovakia intra-EU bilateral investment treaty (BIT) are incompatible with EU law. In this arguably short judgment, the Court of Justice consolidated its...



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