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Conclusiones de la Abogado General Kokott en los asuntos contra la Directiva de los productos del tabaco: ¿Un paso al frente hacia una verdadera política de salud de la Unión Europea?


Abstract: On 23 December 2015, Advocate General Kokott delivered her Opinion in three cases challenging the validity of Directive 2014/40/EU. Although the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) had already ruled on the legal basis to adopt the former Tobacco Products Directive, new questions arose with the adoption of this new piece of...

Equal Treatment in the Field of Social Security: Can Economically Inactive Citizens Be Required to Be Lawfully Resident in the Host Member State to Access Certain Social Security Benefits?


Keywords: social security – benefits – lawful residence – economically inactive – citizens – equal treatment.

This infringement action was brought by the Commission against the UK for requiring non-UK Union citizens who are economically inactive to lawfully reside in the UK to access certain social...

La banalisation de la remise en question de l’autorité de la chose jugée d’une décision juridictionnelle nationale en matière d’aides d’État


Keywords: State aid – res judicata – procedural autonomy – equivalence – effectiveness – legal certainty – final administrative act.

Dans l’affaire Klausner Holz sur renvoi du tribunal régional de Münster en Allemagne,[1] un prestataire avait obtenu en justice le maintien des effets...

Treading on Whose Toes? Europol, the European Parliament and the Limits of Parliamentary Control and Accountability


Keywords: institutional balance – foreign affairs – European Parliament – CJEU – Europol.

The recent decision of the Court of Justice Parliament v. Council (case C-363/14)[1] concerned a challenge by the European Parliament (EP), who sought the annulment of Council Implementing...

Additional Protocol to the Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism


Keywords: terrorism – foreign terrorist fighters – State cooperation – criminal offences – armed conflict.

The Additional Protocol to the Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism (the Protocol),[1] which supplements the 2005 Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of...

Public Procurement, Social Policy and Minimum Wage Regulation for Posted Workers: Towards a More Balanced Socio-Economic Integration Process?


Abstract: Income inequality increased significantly over the past decades. The liberalization and outsourcing of public services, in conjunction with increased pressure on public budgets, has played a considerable role in this development: in procuring services they previously had provided themselves, public authorities fostered price competition...

Creación de una Guardia Europea de Fronteras y Costas: Breve análisis de la propuesta de Reglamento de la Comisión Europea de 15 de diciembre de 2015


Abstract: On 15 December 2015, the European Commission launched a legislative initiative establishing a European Border and Coast Guard System, which would succeed Frontex in providing operational assistance to the Member States in the management of the external borders of the European Union. Although the legislative process is still at the stage of...

Déclaration consignée dans une Note verbale de la Représentation Permanente de la France, datée du 24 novembre 2015, enregistrée au Secrétariat Général du Conseil de l’Europe


Keywords: ECHR – Art. 15 – fight against terrorism – derogation from the Convention – public safety.

Le sceau macabre du terrorisme marque l’histoire de la République française. Régulièrement confrontés à cette violence aveugle, ses gouvernements successifs ont nécessairement bâti un dispositif constitutionnel...

Una base giuridica “onnicomprensiva” per l’adozione di misure specifiche nei confronti delle regioni ultraperiferiche. In margine alla sentenza sul caso Mayotte


Keywords: Outermost Regions – legal basis – application of the Treaties – derogations – scope ratione materiae.

Fra i problemi interpretativi che sorgono in relazione all’art. 349 del Trattato sul funzionamento dell’Unione europea (TFUE)[1] – disposizione che attribuisce all’Unione il potere...

Lo status del cittadino dell’Unione in cerca di occupazione: un limbo normativo?


Abstract: In Alimanovic (case C-67/14, 15 September 2015) the CJEU ruled that Member States nationals who are job seekers and resident in another MS can be excluded from the entitlement to certain benefits constituting social assistance within the terms of EU law, which are granted to nationals in the same position. The author argues that...



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