Condizione di precarietà ed incertezza dei richiedenti protezione internazionale al vaglio della Corte europea dei diritti umani: in margine al caso B.A.C. c. Grecia


Keywords: protection of the right to private life – torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment – Greek System of International Protection – repatriation – extradition –Turkey.

La recente sentenza B.A.C. c. Grecia[1] ha rappresentato l’occasione per una presa di posizione...

License to Presume: The Compatibility Between the European Convention of Human Rights and Security Council Resolutions in Al-Dulimi and Montana Management Inc v. Switzerland


Abstract: The judgment of the Grand Chamber in Al-Dulimi and Montana Management Inc. v. Switzerland can be praised as an effort to avoid contradictions between the UN Charter and the European Convention of Human Rights. It is also a reminder that UN Sanctions Committees still fail to meet fair trial standards. However, the...

Al-Dulimi and Competing Concepts of International Organizations


Abstract: This Insight focuses on the two judgments of the European Court of Human Rights in the case Al-Dulimi and Montana Management Inc. v. Switzerland. It discusses the different approaches adopted by the European Court to deal with the responsibility of Member States of international organizations. It contends that the Court...

Changement volontaire du nom, titres nobiliaires et ordre public: l’arrêt Bogendorff von Wolffersdorff


Abstract: In a recent ruling (judgment of 2 June 2016, case C-438/14, Bogendorff von Wolffersdorff) concerning the recognition in a Member State of the name and surname of a dual national, freely chosen in another Member State and containing a number of tokens of nobility, the Court of Justice focused on the proportionality of the...

Different Arguments Lead to the Same Result: The Tobacco Products Directive Is Declared Valid by the Court of Justice


Abstract: On 4 May 2016, the Court of Justice of the European Union delivered its judgment in the case Philip Morris. For the first time, the reasoning of the Court does not focus exclusively on internal market issues but, instead, includes an analysis on fundamental rights and the principles of proportionality and subsidiarity. Following...

Data Protection as a Central Issue of ECJ Policies: From Digital Rights Ireland to Data Protection Commissioner [Ireland]


Keywords: data protection – privacy – right to be forgotten – right of access – data commissioners.

In a short time (from Spring 2014 to Autumn 2015) the Court of Justice of the European Union has issued ten decisions providing for the authoritative interpretation of the EU legislation in the field of personal...

Déclaration consignée dans une Note verbale de la Représentation Permanente de la France, datée du 24 novembre 2015, enregistrée au Secrétariat Général du Conseil de l’Europe


Keywords: ECHR – Art. 15 – fight against terrorism – derogation from the Convention – public safety.

Le sceau macabre du terrorisme marque l’histoire de la République française. Régulièrement confrontés à cette violence aveugle, ses gouvernements successifs ont nécessairement bâti un dispositif constitutionnel...

The Court of Justice Considers the Commission’s US Safe Harbour Decision Invalid


Keywords: protection of personal data – Directive 95/46/EC – Safe Harbour Decision – Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union – national supervisory authority.

The Data Protection Directive (Directive 95/46/EC)[1] provides that the transfer of personal data to a third country may...

The Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami II Case and the Protection of Indigenous Peoples’ Rights: A Missed Opportunity?


Abstract: On 3 September 2015 the EU Court of Justice dismissed the appeal against the judgment of 25 April 2013, case T-526/10, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami et al. II, in which the General Court had refused to declare the invalidity of the basic Regulation (EC) No 1007/2009 on trade in seal products pursuant to Art. 277 TFUE. Among the issues...



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