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Simple Abstention and Constructive Abstention in the Context of International Economic Sanctions: Two Too Similar Sides of the Same Coin?


Abstract: Constructive abstention, provided for in art. 31(2) TEU, has been conceived of as an instrument applicable to CFSP acts. As art. 215 TFEU establishes an integrated regime in which CFSP decisions and TFEU regulations are interdependent on each other, the issue arises as to whether the scope of constructive abstention can be extended to...

The Green Deal and the Case for a Soil Health Framework Directive


Keywords: soil – Green Deal – climate change – Framework Directive – environmental law – subsidiarity.

In its 2020 Report on the State of the Environment, the European Environment Agency highlighted the increasingly serious degradation of EU soils.[1] Soils constitute largely...

Il Green Deal europeo e il sistema delle risorse proprie


Abstract: Over the past few years, the EU action has been increasingly focused on addressing environmental protection issues and implementing policies to fight against climate change. The ambitious environmental policy of the EU, the Green Deal being part of it, stressed the issues concerning its financing. Against this backdrop, the aim of this...

Navigating Art. 218 TFEU: Third States’ Accession to International Conventions and the Position of the EU in This Respect


Abstract: Setting the general procedure to be followed for the conclusion of international agreements, art. 218 TFEU allocates the powers of the different institutions involved and – compared to the pre-Lisbon legal framework – strengthens the role of the European Parliament. It is therefore with respect to this provision that the status and...

Transparency of Legislative Procedures and Access to Acts of Trilogues: Case T-540/15, De Capitani v. European Parliament


Abstract: On 22 March 2018, for the first time the General Court ruled on access to documents of trilogues (case T-540/15, De Capitani v. European Parliament). These are informal meetings between representatives of the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission, which negotiate to reach an agreement, which must subsequently be...

Denialism as the Supreme Expression of Realism – A Quick Comment on NF v. European Council


Abstract: By Order of 28 February 2017 in case T-192/16, NF v. European Council, the General Court dismissed as inadmissible an action for annulment brought against the s.c. EU-Turkey deal concluded on 18 March 2016. In the view of the General Court, independently of its binding nature, the deal is to be attributed to the Member States and...

Respect des valeurs de l’Union européenne en Pologne: première application du nouveau cadre pour renforcer l’État de droit


Keywords: European Union values – Arts 7 and 49 TEU – rule of law – European Commission – Poland – framework to strengthen the rule of law.

L’Union européenne est, comme le revendiquent l’art. 2 du traité sur l’Union européenne ainsi que le préambule de la Charte des droits fondamentaux, fondée sur un certain...

La prima volta per la procedura di controllo sul rispetto dei valori dell'Unione prevista dall'art. 7 TUE? Alcune implicazioni per l'integrazione europea


Keywords: European Commission – recommendation – Art. 7 TEU – EU common values – rule of law – serious and persistent breach.

Con la raccomandazione del 27 luglio 2016[1] la Commissione europea ha proseguito la propria attività rispetto alla crisi costituzionale in...

Treading on Whose Toes? Europol, the European Parliament and the Limits of Parliamentary Control and Accountability


Keywords: institutional balance – foreign affairs – European Parliament – CJEU – Europol.

The recent decision of the Court of Justice Parliament v. Council (case C-363/14)[1] concerned a challenge by the European Parliament (EP), who sought the annulment of Council Implementing...

Basi giuridiche supplementari, derivate e... abrogate? La Corte di giustizia conferma la validità della decisione che integra l’elenco di partner internazionali di Europol


Abstract: The comment focuses on three issues addressed by the ECJ in case C-363/14, European Parliament v. Council, concerning the validity of an implementing decision adopted on 6 May 2014, which amended the list of Europol’s international partners. The first issue concerns the choice of the legal basis for the decision. The second issue...


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